
Welcome to Zion Episcopal Church, located at 12 Satterlee Place, Wappingers Falls, NY. 

Debrorah Magdalene, Rector

“Mother Mag” can be reached at 347-258-5896, or magdalene.deborah@ gmail.com

Chris Dorsey, the Church Administrator, can be reached at 845-297-9797.
She’s available Monday - Thursday from 8 am - 4:30 pm.

Sunday Church Service on Facebook Live , Sunday at 10 am. Link to bulletin.
Morning Healing Prayer Service, also on Facebook Live, Tuesday at 9:30am.
Bible Study, on Zoom, Tuesdays at 10:30 am.

Link to Worship Services Videos on YouTube.

Link to Facebook page that will have all the current information on events

Link / Follow Mag on Twitter

Join our Mailing List, via Constant Contact.  Sign up here for our newsletter and info on the latest events at Zion.

Online contributions can now be made to Zion by clicking here.
One time signup with Vanco, similar to PayPal, is easy and safe.

Interested in having your wedding at Zion? Need to rent space in the Parish Hall?
Please contact Mother Mag, or Chris for details.

Zion’s Food Pantry is open Wednesday’s from Noon - 2 pm, and 6-7 pm.

Note: This is a temporary website. Zion’s new website is currently under construction and will be available soon.