Zion Episcopal Church
Mission Bells
Announcements – February 9, 2025
ZION WELCOMES ALL. Welcome to Zion Episcopal Church. Regardless of your denomination or faith tradition, we welcome you – especially if you are joining us for the very first time. We hope this will become your spiritual home, whether you gather in person, on Facebook, or YouTube.
FATHER ALEX WILL BE ON VACATION from Wednesday, February 12th to Tuesday, February 18th and will return to the office on Wednesday, February 19th. Father Kevin Bean will preach and celebrate the Holy Eucharist on Sunday, February 16th. Thank you, Fr. Bean!
THE FUNERAL FOR OUR BROTHER IN CHRIST, DR. STEPHEN CHAN, will be on Saturday, February 22nd at 12:00 pm in the Church Sanctuary. All are welcome.
THE MLK CELEBRATION at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church will be on Sunday, February 23rd at 4:00 pm. Our choir will join Bethel’s Choir and Father Alex will be preaching. Come and join us for this most important event in the life of the Church.
HOME BLESSING: Would you like a home blessing for the New Year? Contact Father Alex at FrAlexZion@gmail.com
THE NEXT ZION FORMATION CLASS will be on Sunday, March 2nd at 11:00 am in the Church Sanctuary. Our topic of discussion will be “Mass Class: The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist”
COFFEE HOUR: Anyone interested in hosting a coffee hour? If so, please speak with our coffee hour coordinator, Wendy McNeil, or sign-up on our calendar in the Parish Hall. Coffee Hour hosts provide purchased or home-made items, such as muffins, croissants, bagels, etc. and help with set-up and clean-up. Purchasing one or two gluten-free items is also welcome. Not sure how to work the coffee machine? No worries! Wendy and Doug prepare the coffee!
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH OR CHURCH EVENTS? You will see a new form on the main bulletin board between the Church and the Parish Hall. For people who need a ride to Church or a Zion Event, please write the event you need a ride to, the date and time the event is occurring, and your name. If anyone reading the bulletin board sees that someone needs a ride and can help, please contact that person and work out the details to give them a ride. Otherwise, a Vestry member will attempt to get you a ride.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN RENOVATIONS: The new sanctuary stairs are currently being constructed. We will continue to keep you posted!
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Pledge cards for the Capital Campaign are still being accepted. Pledge cards and envelopes are available in the pews and in the parish hall. Please make pledge checks out to Zion Church, with “capital campaign” in the memo.Pledges and checks can be mailed to Zion or placed in the Sunday offering plate. Questions or concerns? See Steve Carlough or Maya Hennebery. Bless you all for your continued generosity and prayers.
FOOD PANTRY –February is soup month. Please bring donations on Sunday mornings so that they can be blessed during the Offertory. You may also leave your donation in the box on the Rectory front porch. Your support is greatly appreciated!
MEALS ON WHEELS NEED VOLUNTEERS: Please call Patrice Stabile (914) 475-8677.
ALTAR FLOWERS are given by Ana Edel in celebration of her 90th Birthday!
ZION WORSHIP – Zion now has a YouTube Channel which also carries the Sunday service live in addition to Facebook live. To watch the service, click on the link below and then go to our “live” playlist. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaq67kuX_d0cL29tUG0t3kQ
You can also watch previous services by going to our “orders” link.
To view on Facebook (live) or in person: Zion Episcopal Church is inviting you to the Sunday Service broadcast live on the “Zion Episcopal Church” Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/welcometozionchurch/
If you are on the page at 9:00 am the service will automatically appear - You need to do nothing but be on the page to view it live.
Bulletin can be downloaded on Zion’s website: www.zionwappingersfalls.org.
This will bring you to the "Welcome" page on the website. There’s a link to the Church Bulletin.
The Hymnal can be found online here: https://hymnary.org/hymnal/EH1982
Processional: 686 "Come thou font of every blessing"
Gradual: 381 "The strong word did cleave the darkness"
Offertory: 362 "Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!"
Communion: 321 "My God, thy table now is spread"
324 "Let all mortal flesh keep silence"
Recessional: 537 "Christ for the world we sing"
NEXT WEEK’S READINGS: First Reading: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Gospel: Luke 6:17-26
COLUMBARIUM GARDEN can be accessed on Sundays before and after services through the Chapel. If there is a special request, please contact Alison or Marcy.
TUESDAY MORNING HEALING SERVICE - On Tuesday mornings from 9:30 am-10:30 am, we gather in the Resurrection Chapel to pray for those in need of healing; to celebrate a BCP Morning Prayer Rite II Liturgy; and to discuss the Sunday lectionary readings and Saint of the Day. Please join us for a friendly and stimulating hour of community and spiritual refreshment.
Zion’s Prayer List (as of February 4th, 2025)
To add someone to the prayer list, please email ZionPrayerList@gmail.com
or call 845-297-9797.
Please specify which prayer list you would like to be added to.
We Pray for: River Gabriel Alexander, Tim Buechele and family, Stephen Chan and family, Annette Goodwin, Peggy Harten, Paul Heineman, Nancy Heineman and the Heineman family, Frank Mariani, Joshua Roberts, Melanie Roberts, Vivian Santini-Velasquez, Elijah and Jeremiah Velez, Shantelle Whyte, Joseph Zingone
Health Care Facilities: Fredericka Adams, Barbara Beska-Borowitz, Carol Boscher, Judie Buck, Yvonne Broestler, Gregory Citarella, Danine Curtis, Diane Deeney, Carole DiNonno, David Eisenhower, Hak Shil Kim, Gilly Leech, Scarlet Ludwich, Joseph McKinney, John Merlino, Marialice Olsen, Hyacinth Stewart, Cathrine Tolbert
At Home: Ann Marie, Bill, Bob, Bob R, Bryon, Cale, Cindy, Debbie, Eddie, Emmy, Janice, Jason, Jay, Lynn, Karen & Kenny, Matthew, Michele, Patty, Randal, Zayden, Marc, Mike A., Renee Allen, River Gabriel Anderson, Jose Baez, Aurora, Troy, and Kenny Behnken, Christopher Blatz, Fred Boniello, Mary Boscher, Donna Boundy, Ashley Brooks, Dionne Brooks, Yvonne Broestler, Nicholas Browne, Lynda Byrne, Terry Daley, Steve Dearborn, Rose Ann DeFini, Ron DeLuca, Jr. and Debbie DeLuca, Beth Devine, John DiLorenzo, Chris Dorsey, Karen Durr, Nancy Durr, Tracy Fisher, Karen Flaherty, the Frederick family, Anne Friedland, Chris Gall, Kathleen Garrison, Nancy Giaccone, Monica Goff, Oscar “Tito” Gomez, Robert Heady,Gwen Higgins, Gary Hill, Marcine Humphrey, Vicki Humeston, Tom Humphries, Martin Jay, Cathy Kennedy, Jennifer Klein, Susan Klein, Katherine Kobos, Vinnie Kobos, Catherine Konno, Richard Little, Ruth Little, Christine Lowery, John Lowery, Andy Mahabir, the Mahoney family, the Maiorana family, Norman Mattè, Delroy Matthews, Rich McCabe, Sheren Meier, Brandon Miller, Ann Molina, Nancy Montgomery, Natalie Morgan, Sylvia Morgan, Leon Muller, Tony Niro, Eileen Nock, Marlena Norris, Roland Norris, Biju Oommen, Julian Paige, Tina Paige, Patrice Palm, Sherri Palm, Bobbie Pascoe, Dennis Pendzuk, Bonnie Perkins, Lori Pizzola, the Rao family, Brigitte Reckley, Al Roberts, Kim Robson, Arnie Ruf, Bill Ruf, Dora Ruf, Conrad Ruppert, Jr., Cindy Russo, Heather Schlemm, Darryl Secor, Lynn Sheppard, Paulette Sibert, Debbie Singler, John Skipp, Mary Sugg, Jeff Theiss, Sue Theiss, Ellen Timmeny, Peggy Timmeny, Chris Uhl, Terrence Vaughan, Thomasine Vaughan, Janet Versace, Kevin Wirsch, Debbie Wong, Mona Wong
This week we asked to pray for: St. Margaret’s Church, Staatsburg
We pray for our brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces: Luke Adams, Mason Adams, Joshua Bautz, William Cohen, Matthew Fein, Brandon Fry, Michael Greifenstein, Patrick Holly, John Howe, Andre Jordan Mondie, Chris Montgomery, Michael Patterson, Vivica Patterson, Anthony Perry, Luke Stone, Jennie Trady, Warren VanAllen, Christopher Walker, and for National Guard Service Members activated to maintain national security, or to mitigate human suffering.
Office Hours for the Week of February 10th
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; Closed, Monday and Friday
Monday, February 10th Scholastica
NA Group 7:00-9:00 pm, Parish Hall
Tuesday, February 11th Theodora and Barbara Clementine Harris
Healing Service 9:30 am., Chapel
AA Group 7:30-10:30 pm, Parish Hall
Wednesday, February 12th
Food Pantry Distribution, 12-2, 6-7
Thursday, February 13th Absalom Jones
AA Group 7:30-10:30 pm, Parish Hall
Friday, February 14th Cyril and Methodius
Saturday, February 15th Thomas Bray
AAUW 1:30 pm-4:30 pm, Parish Hall
AA 7:30-10:30 pm, Parish Hall
Sunday, February 16th Epiphany 6
Holy Eucharist in-Person, Facebook Live, and You Tube, 9:00 am
Bring your gifts of thanks and giving.
Zion's Online Contribution system is powered by VANCO, which is used by many churches. It is safe and easy to bring your thanks offering to support the work of the saints at Zion as they feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, and preach the Good News. You can sign up for VANCO through Zion’s website www.zionwappingersfalls.org and clicking on “Donate” and “Sign Up”. Thank you and thank God!
ZION’S WEBSITE address is: https://zionwappingersfalls.org. Note: The link for both the Mission Bells and the Chimes will take you to the latest versions of those documents. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send a note to zionwfalls@gmail.com.