Zion Episcopal Church Survey: December 2021

Your inputs are requested from the
Search Committee.

As our parish prepares for the future, the Search Committee invites all parishoners to complete the following survey about your preferences for a new rector. Your individual responses are Confidential. DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE SURVEY. THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS

The Survey is available in several ways:

1) Click HERE to take the survey online.

2) Click HERE to download the survey for printing.
Note: When printing, select “Scaling” to Fit to 1 page wide, by 3 pages tall.
Once completed, please send to Zion Episcopal Church, 12 Satterlee Place, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590.

3) Copies of the survey are available in the Church Office (see Chris) or in Church (see an usher).

4) If you prefer, call Chris at 845-297-9797 to request a copy of the survey be sent to your home.
Once completed, please send to Zion Episcopal Church, 12 Satterlee Place, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590.

All surveys are due by December 19, 2021.

Thanks very much for completing the survey. Your inputs will be used to help select the next Rector at Zion.

The Search Committee