
Welcome to Zion Episcopal Church

Sunday Services are now IN PERSON and ON LINE at 9 am.

ON LINE services use Facebook Live or You Tube.
The Sunday Service Bulletin & the Book of Common Prayer are available below.

Please join us for coffee after the service in the Parish Hall.

February 8, 2025 Update: Delayed start of Sunday Service

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Good afternoon!

As most of us are probably aware, we are expecting an overnight snow storm this evening, so the Wardens and I decided to postpone our Eucharistic Service to 10:00 am. The service will be offered both in-person and online.

Having said this, please, my dear friends, exercise caution tomorrow when discerning whether or not to join us for in-person worship. If you have any doubts or concerns about leaving the house, by all means, stay home and join us on Facebook or YouTube.

Please also be sure to check your emails at 8 am tomorrow morning, in case the weather is so severe that we have to cancel in-person worship. If you know of any fellow Zionite who does not have email, please consider giving them a call to keep them updated on the status of our Sunday service.

To summarize: we will be having both in-person and online worship tomorrow at 10:00 am due to the strong possibility of inclement weather. Please exercise caution in discerning whether you will join us in-person or online.

Stay safe, my beloved brothers and sisters. I will see you tomorrow either in flesh or in spirit :-)

Peace and Blessings,

Fr. Alex+

February 6, 2025 Update: Scam Alert

Dear Friends in Christ,

Good afternoon!

Our sister in Christ, Marilyn Hill, contacted me to let me know that her email has been hacked and that a scam message is being sent to the community asking for money and gift cards.

If you received this scam e-mail, please do not respond, do not send money, and delete the message immediately. Please rest assured that our sister, Marilyn, is well and she has expressed her deepest apology for any inconvenience or alarm.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Peace and Blessings,

Fr. Alex+

Click HERE to see Zion’s updated COVID Protocol, as approved by the Vestry on August 1, 2024

Click HERE for the latest Weekly Announcements


Church Life Events at Zion (2025)

Saint Patrick’s Parade BBQ - Saturday, March 1st

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - Tuesday, March 4th

Laetare “Rose” Sunday Bowling Party - Sunday, March 30th

Easter Egg Hunt and Party - Sunday, April 13th

Maundy Thursday Agape Supper - Thursday, April 17th

Rummage Sale - Saturday, May 3rd

Spring Fling - Saturday, May 10th

Rebuilding with Faith in our Future:
Zion’s 2024 - 2027 Capital Campaign has begun.


Click HERE for Fr Alex’s Capital Campaign Kickoff Presentation (6/23/24)

Everyone is welcome.

We promise to share the love of Christ with all of God’s children in our worship, words, and witness