Friends of Darbonne
2023 Summer Read-A-Thon Ending!
The Friends of Darbonne had a successful 2023 campaign with the Read-A-Thon and the Annual Appeal: we collected a total of $16,083.69 for the Holy Spirit School and the Church of the Annunciation. Three churches are involved in this endeavor: Zion, St. Nicholas-on-the Hudson, and Christ Church in Sharon, Connecticut.
Marcy Wagman (Zion) and Joan Freeman (St. Nicholas) did a wonderful job setting up and running the Read-A-Thon and contributions were made from all three churches.
Donations were made for scholarships, nutritional programs, and projects. It is wonderful to see the help that continues to fund these categories to the glory of God.
A change was made to how the funds are delivered to Father Michelin since there were questions about the legitimacy of the former process. The funds are directed to Father Michelin and being checked by him personally.
Father Alex and Father Michelin are now meeting via ZOOM with regular updates being shared.
Questions may be sent to Bonnie Kieffer at
Note: The latest update comes from Bonnie, who is now living in North Carolina.
Did you know that Zion supports Darbonne along with St Nicholas Episcopal Church in New Hamburg, NY and Christ Church Episcopal in Sharon, CT.?
For those not familiar with Chris Church, here’s a recent picture of the congregation
Zion and the Church of the Annunciation in Darbonne Haiti have a long partnership, extending many decades, each community learning and growing together.
While the partnership has taken many forms over the years, currently we are focused on helping the families in Darbonne with education scholarships and funds for lunches.
Contributions for Zion’s work in Darbonne, Haiti are always welcome. If you would like to donate, click here.
Please make checks out to Zion - Friends of Darbonne or donate through Zion’s on-line Vanco system - using the “other” box and making a note that the funds are to be directed to Friends of Darbonne.