Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King

Our St. Margaret of Antioch chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King have elected a new slate of officers for 2022-2024: 

Dora Ruf - president

Maya Hennebery - treasurer

Rose Ann DeFini - secretary 

We hope to continue our prayer and mission work at Zion with a goal of adding women and young girls to our group, continuing helping at events such as the Christmas Bazaar, and reminding all parishioners there is a box in the entry of the cross way where prayer requests may be dropped.  

Please pray for all of us as we continue to work at Zion for love of God.

December 2021: The Daughters of the King pray and also try to evangelized through a mission. Our mission has been collecting handbags, filling them with various items, and then donating them to a church who hands them to women going on job interviews or going to a new job. Some of the handbags are also used as diaper bags! This year we filled over 60 handbags with toiletries, notepads, pens, hair care products, dental care products, and other various sundries. We have wonderful support from Zion members as well as friends of Zion.


The Rededication of the Daughters of the King Chapter was done by Bishop Mary Glasspool when she visited Zion Episcopal Church on Sunday, September 19.

         Here at Zion, and throughout our nation and our world, there are women who choose to be “prayer warriors” for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

In our church we have the chapter known as The Saint Margaret of Antioch Chapter which includes ten women. The inception of this chapter came through the guidance of Father Horace Choate, who knew of the Order and believed that we could become prayerful members. 

         The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for Episcopal women communicants, as well as women in churches in communion with the Episcopal Church: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican. There are members all over the globe!

 Each member of The Order undertakes a Rule of Life, incorporating the rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service, and pledges herself to a life-long program dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. 

Our chapter meets once a month to make our prayer list and to discuss The Order’s news. When we have a priest, he/she will also become a member and hopefully be our chaplain. 

The Order has a prayer and a motto.

The prayer:

O Eternal Father, you have sent us your Son to teach us things pertaining to your heavenly Kingdom.

Give your blessing to our Order wherever it may be throughout the world,

Grant that we, your Daughters, ever may discern your truth and bear the cross through the battles of our earthly life.

Give us the strength to overcome temptation and the grace to work to spread your Kingdom and to gather your scattered sheep within your fold.

Pour out upon us the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit that we may always remember it is your work we are called to do, that all we think, do or say may be pleasing in your sight.

We ask it all for His Sake, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

         The motto:

For His Sake…

I am but one, but I am one.

I cannot do everything, but I can do something.

What I can do, I ought to do.

What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.

Lord, what will you have me do?

The Daughters here:  Cindy, Barbara, Linda, Joy (hidden), Maya, and Rose Ann.

The Daughters here: Cindy, Barbara, Linda, Joy (hidden), Maya, and Rose Ann.

If you have questions, or would like to join this group, please contact Dora Ruf at zionwfalls@gmail.com