Zion Columbarium & Garden

Zion’s newly planted outdoor Columbarium

Zion’s newly planted outdoor Columbarium

Burial very near or within a place of Christian worship is as old as Christianity. It is believed that a loved one's presence enriches the worship of the faithful and creates a "cloud of witnesses" that is intimate and part of the worship family. This ancient tradition continues at Zion, with the buildings partially built upon original grave sites near the Sanctuary, and in more recent times, with the columbarium. Almost 40 years ago a committee of Zion's members began planning for what today is our beautiful and intimate chapel, indoor columbarium and columbarium garden. The garden is an ideal place for quiet prayer and reflection. Please feel free to come to the garden to pray, meditate, enjoy the plants and this special space. We ask that you be respectful if others are in the garden at the same time, and that if there are more than 4 people, please limit your time so that others can spend time in the garden.

For the winter months (November - April), the garden gate for the Columbarium Garden will be open on Sundays from 8:30 to 11 am for meditation, reflection and prayer. If you would like to visit the garden at another time, please contact Alison Friedland who will arrange to have the gate open for you.

Interment in Zion's columbarium is open to the wider community. There are no restrictions as to who may be interred in the columbarium. Options for interment include niches inside the chapel, outside in the garden wall and outside in the ground. Each niche can accommodate two internments. For more information contact Zion's parish administrator at Chrisatzion@verizon.net or call 845-297-9797.

Chapel of the Resurrection

Chapel of the Resurrection

Indoor Memorials

Indoor Memorials