Zion Episcopal Church

Parish Profile - March 2022

12 Satterlee Place, Wappingers Falls, NY  12590



This is Zion…

Zion Episcopal Church


1.            What Zion is seeking in a Priest in Charge

2.            Zion’s Vision for the Future 

3.            Zion By the Numbers 

4.            Activities and Organizations

5.            Finances/ Stewardship

6.            Ecumenical Partnerships (Local & Global)

7.            Staffing

8.            Buildings and Grounds

9.            Rectory: Accommodations, Facilities

10.           Local Area and Community Information 

11.            Appendix:

                  a) Demographics (2022)

                  b) History of Zion Church


1. What Zion is seeking in a Priest in Charge?


       Zion Episcopal Church members recently completed a survey on what attributes the next Priest in Charge should have. The majority of parishioners at Zion are looking for a Priest in Charge who has the ability to preach with clarity, relevance, and passion, and can help us grow and develop the congregation today and into the future. The Priest in Charge should have excellent administrative skills, including social media, and be able to manage the diverse personalities, abilities, and ministries at Zion. Pastoral care and spiritual guidance are also important skills our next leader should possess. 

       Other important skills include youth work, home visitation, teaching, and liturgics. 


Prioritized Survey Results:

1) Preaching

2) Church Growth/ Development

3) Administration

4) Pastoral Care

5) Spiritual Guidance

6) Youth Work 

7) Home Visitation 

8) Teaching 

9) Liturgics


2. Zion’s Vision for the Future


       Looking forward to the future, Zion Episcopal Church wants to continue to foster the attributes that make it a desirable place to worship, while improving in other areas. It is important to remain a welcoming, warm, and inclusive Church, but also to be modern, flexible, vibrant, and relatable. 

       Zion is looking to double the size of the congregation over the next 5 to 10 years. Where this growth will come from is not apparent; however, creating a more diverse congregation is the goal. That diversity may include race, sexual orientation, age, etc.

       Zion wants to remain a pillar of the community, and look to expand opportunities to increase community outreach and impact.

       Lastly, Zion is planning to remain financially stable with the ability to maintain our beautiful church and grounds. Providing space for Zion groups and community organizations is very important. While these are challenging times, the members of Zion remain optimistic about our future.


Zion’s Vision statement:

We promise to share the love of Christ with all of God’s children in our worship, words, and witness.


3. Zion By the Numbers:    (No. of Services/ Avg Attendees) 

                                                                          2019           2020         2021

Sunday Service(s):                                         101/ 88       19/ 42       38/42        
Sat Outdoor Prayer Service (Aug – Oct)    N/A          15/ 18      N/A
Bible Study/ Healing Service/ Eucharist     50/ 5         41/ 5          6 / 5
Ash Wednesday:                                            2/ 33          2/ 36         Outside
Maundy Thursday:                                         1/ 37           Online       Online
Good Friday:                                                   2/ 34          Online       Online
Easter:                                                              1/ 55           Online       Online
Thanksgiving:                                                  1/ 21            Online       1 / 26
Blessing of the Animals:                                1/ 13            N/A            1/~15  

Baptisms:                                                         6                4               6
Confirmations:                                                0                0              1
Marriages:                                                        3                2               1
Burials:                                                              6                2               6

Notes: COVID Pandemic began March 2020 - Services switched from in person to online. Rector Deborah Magdalene retired October, 2020. In person Sunday Services went from 2 (7:30, 10 am) to 1 (9 am) starting August 2021. 

4. Activities and Organizations 

Zion Food Pantry
The Food Pantry has been serving families and individuals in the Wappingers Falls area since 1976. The Food Pantry is located behind the Rectory. Contributions to Zion’s Food Pantry are made in several ways: Food can be dropped off, or monetary donations can be made. The Food Pantry also receives contributions from local sponsors, who generously contribute to the Zion Food Pantry. As a ministry of Zion many parishioners are involved, including emptying delivery trucks, sorting and packaging the food, and distribution. Our Food Pantry is lead by Nancy Carlough. 

Community Garden
The Community Garden is a thriving group of raised bed plots designed and built by Brandon Carlough, with help from others, as his Eagle Scout project. Completed in 2018, the 16 - 10’ x 10’ beds are used to raise vegetables and flowers by Zion Parishioners/Friends. 

Friends of Darbonne
Zion and the Church of the Annunciation in Darbonne, Haiti have a long partnership, extending many decades, each community learning and growing together. While the partnership has taken many forms over the years, currently we are focused on helping the families in Darbonne with education scholarships and funds for lunches. One popular fundraising event is a Read-A-Thon. Volunteers are encouraged to read books over the summer. Sponsors donate money on either a flat rate basis or a per book amount. The Friends of Darbonne reminds us of God's message to love each other. By sharing what we have, we help others.  

Columbarium and Garden
Almost 40 years ago a committee of Zion's members began planning for what today is our beautiful and intimate chapel, indoor columbarium and columbarium garden. The garden is an ideal place for quiet prayer and reflection. Interment in Zion's Columbarium is open to the wider community. There are no restrictions as to who may be interred in the columbarium. 

Daughters of the King 
The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for Episcopal women communicants, as well as women in churches in communion with the Episcopal Church: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican. Each member of The Order undertakes a Rule of Life, incorporating the rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service, and pledges herself to a life-long program dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. Our chapter, The Saint Margaret of Antioch Chapter, has 10 members. We actively seek "prayer warriors" to join us. 

Blessing of the Animals 
The blessing of pets and animals is often celebrated on the Sunday closest to the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. All animals are welcomed to be blessed by the priest.  Last year we had a veritable menagerie blessed; they must have known they were at church, as all the pets got along with no angry barks or hisses!

CROP Walk 

The CROP Walk is a community-wide event, sponsored by Church World Service and organized by the Dutchess County Interfaith Council since 1975, to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world. Twenty five percent of the money raised stays in Dutchess County. 

Vacation Bible School 

For over 40 years Zion has hosted a Vacation Bible School, welcoming all children in the local community. Each summer we explore a different Biblical story. After a break during the pandemic shutdown, we resumed Vacation Bible School in August of 2021. Those participating had a wonderful time singing songs, making crafts, playing games, and doing science experiments while learning the stories of Jonah at "Big Fish Bay". 

Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is a time of fellowship after the church service has ended. It provides a welcoming place, following our morning service, to talk to the clergy, to meet new people, and to relax with friends. Our volunteer coffee hour hosts provide light refreshments, coffee and tea. 

Livestreaming/ Audio Visual
The pandemic has changed the way parishioners attend services. Zion has been using live streaming services on FaceBook since March of 2020. Members of the congregation have been trained to operate the system. 
No matter the circumstances, Zion services are available to all. 

Volunteers that enhance the Service

         Lay Eucharistic Ministry 
         Altar Guild


         Lay Readers
         Bulletin Proof Readers   

 5. Finances / Stewardship


Stewardship is our way to say "Thanks Be to GOD"

2022 Theme:  Bringing Gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure to the Manger


Stewardship Sunday was the first Sunday in Advent, when we await the birth of our Lord, so we decided to call it "Gifts to the Manger" Sunday.  


The Stewardship Team thanked the congregation with a delicious catered brunch on 11/28/21.  (Cost of breakfast was covered by an anonymous donation).


2021 Pledges    $ 94,000

2022 Pledges    $108,507



Zion church is very blessed to have received many generous gifts.

Our long term investments are $2,883,988.  We draw about 5% per year to help cover operating expenses. 

Our restricted investments are $432,000.  This is money that is restricted to certain groups or projects.


2021 total income was $260,000

2021 total expenses were $261,138


2021 budget was $261,976

2022 budget is     $255,036

2022 budget was created by the Zion Finance team, working hard to reduce expenses. 


6. Ecumenical Partnerships (Local & Global)


Zion Church Haiti mission
The Friends of Darbonne continues its support for the Church of the Annunciation and The Holy Spirit School in Darbonne, Haiti, even with the ongoing COVID concerns. Our two churches- Zion and St. Nicholas on the Hudson- once again sent out our annual appeal letter in 2021 to long-time supporters from all over the United States as well as to members of Zion and St. Nicholas.  Through generous donations, Lenten envelopes, and the annual Read-A-Thon, we raised financial support for scholarships, nutritional needs, and special projects. The annual Read-A-Thon program is a big event for Darbonne and the many participants, children and adults, add funds and fun to our mission. We were able to hold an end of the summer thank you party outside this year for all the participants. Each one who participated received an age-appropriate book gift about Haiti. 

Zion Food Pantry Ministry
We continue our ministry to feed those in need. This year we distributed 1,800 bags of food which fed over 6,000 individuals. In addition, over 100 dinners were given to families during the holidays. Due to COVID, we are continuing our drive-up service.

Inter-parish Ministries
Daughters of the King pocketbook ministry provides items to aid local women interviewing or starting a new job. Concert series featuring instrumental music are sometimes accompanied by a choir. Zion members participate at an annual MLK Service at the neighboring Baptist Church, where our clergy have preached.

Local/International Outreach
Love in the Name of Christ (Love, INC), helps those locally with personal care items and linens. (Financial support)
Crop Walk helps those who suffer from food insufficiency in our county and overseas. (Financial support)
Backpacks for Afghani Children (Financial Support)
Food for the Poor is an ecumenical organization whose main ministry is combating world hunger. (Financial support)

7. Staffing

  • Authorized Ministers:
                        Fr. Anthony Stephens, Interim Priest, SALARIED
               Lay Eucharistic Minister: ALL VOLUNTEERS
                        Marilyn Hill
                        Anne Kasin 
                        Bonnie Kieffer 
                        Nancy Rubsam 
                        Lynea St. Pier 
                        Betsy Tripaldi 

  • Administrative Support Personnel:                   
                Office Adminstrator: 
                         Chris Dorsey, SALARIED
                         Wainwright Financials - Julie Findling, CONTRACTOR
                         Maya Hennebery, VOLUNTEER

  • Other:
    Music Director
    Greg Citarella, SALARIED


8. Buildings and Grounds

Zion Episcopal church is located at the top of the hill in the quaint little village of Wappingers Falls. The highlights of the property include Zion Park, the church built in 1836, the rectory building, parish hall, chapel and Columbarium, the Food Pantry and Community Garden. Recent improvements include new controllers to drive the original bells installed in the church Bell Tower.

Zion Church and Sanctuary

The Zion Nave was completed with a beautiful Tiffany Studio’s Mosaic and stained glass windows. Zion’s pipe organ is one of the most beautiful instruments of its kind in the area.    

Recently the sanctuary was replastered and outfitted with a modern Audio/Video and network system to facilitate online services.


The rectory building consists of 18 rooms, 10 fireplaces and 54 windows. This building is used for church operations, as well as a rectory. On the first floor the building has a main conference room, the rector’s office, a library, an archives office, and the main church office.  The second story is a spacious 4-bedroom rectory with a living room, dining room, laundry room and full kitchen.

Parish Hall

The Zion parish hall is the main gathering place for most community events. Coffee Hour is held in the parish hall weekly after service. It’s used for receptions following weddings, funerals, and occasionally it’s used for birthday parties or other celebrations.

The Parish Hall is also used for community outreach. It’s used for weekly meetings by groups such as AA and the Girl Scouts. During tax season it’s used by AARP to serve its members with free tax services.

Columbarium Garden

Almost four decades ago, members of Zion’s congregation, along with Father Webber, installed the Columbarium Garden just outside the Chapel, which houses the indoor section of Zion’s Columbarium. The garden sits behind the Church, with a brick walkway in the shape of a cross. Three of the arms have stone benches surrounded by the planting beds, with the fourth leading to the wall of the outdoor section of the Columbarium.

Two years ago, the garden went through a revitalization, again with members of the congregation, adding new perennials and shrubs, along with a Japanese Maple for a bit of shade. The new plantings are in keeping with the original garden, imbuing the space with peace and tranquility.

Since its beginning, the Columbarium Garden continues to offer quiet serenity to all who visit.

Food Pantry

The Garage behind the Rectory was converted into the Zion Food Pantry. This outreach program provides groceries to roughly forty families in need every week. 

Community Garden

The Community Garden, located next to the Food Pantry, was completed as an Eagle Scout project in 2018. Its 16 raised beds provide a place for local families and parishioners to grow their own vegetables and flowers.  

Zion Park

The Zion property includes a park in the center of the village. During the early days of the pandemic, these beautiful grounds became the site of our outdoor worship services.

The annual “Fall Fling” has been a long-standing tradition at Zion where parishioners gather to remove leaves and spruce up the grounds before the winter snows. While it may seem odd to some, gathering on this day with rakes in hand is something many of us look forward to each year.

9. Rectory: Accommodations, Facilities

Zion’s rectory is a spacious two-story house with the Church offices on the first floor and the living space encompassing the entire second floor. This spacious, 2047 square foot apartment, with hardwood floors and light coming through windows on every side, comes with four bedrooms, a full kitchen, a study, living room and two full baths, including a washer and dryer. The Rectory has housed families as well as individuals. It is move-in ready.

10. Local Area and Community Information



The Village of Wappingers Falls is located in southern Dutchess County, New York within portions of two towns, Wappinger and Poughkeepsie. Located only 1.5 miles east of the Hudson River and bisected by Wappinger Lake, Creek, and Falls, the Village is nestled around a dramatic gorge that drains the man-made Wappinger Lake over a series of falls to the Lower Wappinger Creek. The Village contains a total area of 1.18 square miles. 

Wappingers Falls enjoys an excellent location about 10 miles south of the City of Poughkeepsie, 75 miles north of Manhattan, 70 miles south of Albany, and 15 miles northeast of Newburgh. The highway access, along with the Metro-North Railroad and Amtrak rail stations in nearby New Hamburg, Beacon and Poughkeepsie, provide Village residents with numerous choices for employment, travel and shopping, with access to cultural and entertainment destinations. This is indeed a great Village in which to live, work and play.



Wappingers Falls is the second most densely populated community in Dutchess County. Although just over one square mile, the Village population in 2016 was 5,429 residents, representing 1.8 percent 



The Village of Wappingers Falls is part of the Wappingers Central School District. The WCSD includes two high schools, one alternative high school, two junior high schools, and ten elementary schools. The demographics from the district show 69% White, 18% Hispanic, 8% African American, 4% Asian, and 1% other. 


POINTS OF INTEREST (Distance from Zion Episcopal Church)

Mesier Park (0.1 mile)

Grinnell Library (0.1 miles)

Mesier Homestead and Museum (0.1 mile)

Village of Wappingers Falls (0.1 miles)

Bowdoin Park (2.2 mils)

Dutchess Rail Trail (6.2 miles)


11. Appendix: 
                  a) Demographics (2022)
                  Results from February 2022 survey, 36 responses

        b) History of Zion Church:     

         Available on Zion’s website (https://zionwappingersfalls.org)
                  or click HERE.

Special Thanks to the Zion Search Committee:

         Steve Carlough
         Alison Friedland
         Maya Hennebery
         Peggy Kelland
         Bonnie Kieffer
         Wendy McNeil
         Mike Matts – Chair                                                               
